It’s my (Jason’s) birthday. We went to Angela’s parents’ house since we were going to be there for Christmas eve morning. We got up late, since it was Saturday. After we had been up a while, we decided that it would be fun to scrape the ice off the driveway. Inexplicably, at the time, Dawne ran us back in the house. While sitting at the kitchen table, the door bell rang. After Dawne’s “I wonder who that could be,” the pieces finally fell into place: Both set of Ang’s grandparents came over for a surprise birthday party. And that it was.
Later that day, we (me, Ang, Warren, Dawne, and Justin) went to see Castaway. Everyone but Justin liked it.
We finished off the evening with Ted’s. After what was (apparently) an unacceptably long wait, a manger came out with our food. He told us that they picked up the tab. “Have a merry Christmas.” Free Ted’s! What a way to end your birthday…