Most people are not aware of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). It is a law designed to greatly restrict consumers’ rights in the digital realm. For a more complete picture of what the bill entails, take a look at the text of the bill as well as a site that is opposed to the bill.
There are two Representatives, Rick Boucher and John Doolittle, who have introduced a bill detailing consumers’ rights that corrects some of the more egregious parts of the DMCA in an attempt to restore fair use rights back to the consumer. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a non-profit organization that fights for online rights, is urging people to contact their representatives and ask them to support this bill. They even have a web page where you can fill out your information, and it will send a pre-written letter, by email or fax, to your representative. If you are interested, you can find that page here.